Hello... My name is

LaurieSue Peterson

. . . and I am a Software Engineer . . .

. . . a little bit about myself . . .

Disclaimer: The following statements are supposed to be true... Then again, there is no guarantee... It could be a matter of opinion. In that case it is subjective information.,and by no means factual at all!n't that always the question? Fact or fiction, true or false? 'Tis true, hard to tell. Alas,fret not...All sources are kept confidential and served chilled to preserve freshness...That being said, some of the information has been obtained by stardard and customary means and safety precautions were implemented to protect the innocent. On the other hand, some content was "donated" from here and there - somewhat sketchy sources, and therefore is most certainly purely unadultrated self promoting propaganda of the worst kind.... So, whether it be Fact or Fiction/ True or False/ Left or Right/ High or Low/ Up or Down/ Good or Bad/,...Please take the following into consideration: WARNING! The next section does NOT necessarily reflect everyone's views...It may not relect anyone's views at all!!! Therefore, the fine folks here at can/will NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for any strange and/or subsequent effect (ill or otherwise) that said "views" may or may NOT have on one's mood, appetite, posture, swollen feet, taste in music, or golf swing. This is the official, formal, and proper warning on record, for the record.
This has been a Public Service Announcement


Critical thinking is a skill, an art form, and the foundation of great code.

Just like artists use different styles when expressing themselves, computer code can present itself in many ways... It can dazzle you with its sparkle and shine like a polished diamond, or it can demand respect like a a brilliant masterpiece, or show up with the innocense and charm of a child expressed through the simplest of doodles... Code may resemble all of the above or anything in between... That's the beauty of it!

Code is a creation brought to life by the artist...
the computer programmer.

The adventures, the discoveries , the trials and tribulations, the obstacles to overcome , and the never-ending hunt for buried treasure... These are the things that lured me into the world of programming ... and they are the reason I wake up excited to tackle any problem that may arise. I can't wait to see what unexpected twists and turns my path will take as I step up and welcome the challenge that each new day brings...

...Tis true, that in the Land of Software Development, Information Technology, and Computer Programming one could never be bored... For there is always something new to learn and uncharted horizons to explore!!!

-relative of William Shakespeare
(certain but unverified)

Trained as a Full-Stack Developer at
The Tech Academy Software Engineering Boot Camp,
I gained valuable experience working with the following programming languages and software developement tools: C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET, Object-Oriented Program (OOP), MVC, Entity Framework, SQL, Databases, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and more.

I have always enjoyed taking things apart to see how they work, fixing things that are broken, and figuring out how to make things work better. I like playing detective, gathering information, finding hidden clues, deciphering secret codes, and creating my own code to solve mysteries. I like to take difficult situations and and less than perfect circumstances and figure out how to make it an opportunity to create something positive. I like to be a cheerleader and lend a helping hand to those in need. I take pride in my work.

I like to make people smile. And if I can find a way to make someone's day better, maybe by helping them solve a problem, saying something funny, giving a compliment, being thoughtful and considerate, or showing appreciation - Then that is what I will do... If I can find a way to fill my days with stuff like that... Then, hey! Mission accomplished!

I will continue helping others and solving problems using my skills as a software engineer.

My name is... LaurieSue Peterson.

...and I can't wait to create solutions for you!


Technology, like art, is an exercise of the human imagination
- Daniel Bell


Logic will get you from A to B.
Imagination will take you everywhere.

- Albert Einstein

Let's Talk!

Click the Contact Me button
in the lower right corner...
It's as easy as that!

Let's Talk!

Click the Contact Me button
in the lower right corner...
It's as easy as that!


Here's To The Crazy Ones.
The misfits. The rebels. The trouble-makers.
The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things.
They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world - are the ones who do!
-Steve Jobs

Thank You for your time... We enjoyed showing you around!
until we meet again,

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
-Oscar Wilde


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